Clothes Swaps and Problems With Fast Fashion


Fast fashion is a relatively new phenomenon. It is the term used to describe the purchase of cheaply made clothes that are only worn them a few times before being discarded. Fast fashion is the result of consumer desire to keep up with the ever-changing trends and constantly updated wardrobe. What is wrong with that, you may think. Surely everyone wants to be trendy and fashionable and fast fashion is the perfect way to keep up with all the latest fashions without spending too much money. There are however a number of problems with this behavior.

1. Low cost clothing is often produced unethically

In order to continually reduce the cost of producing clothing to keep up with the demand for low cost clothing, retailers sometimes use unethical suppliers in developing countries to provide clothes quickly the required costs. There have been a number of successful cases of retailers selling clothes made in sweatshops where workers are treated very badly, paid very little and give very little in terms of human rights.

2. Throw away the clothes have hardly been worn contributes to the growing problem of landfills and textile waste.

Ready suit does not and so will remain in the ecosystem forever. More colors and materials made of textiles disposed landfill can be washed out with rain water, rivers and other water systems. This is potentially damaging flora, fauna and humans. Even natural fibers are problems when disposed of in landfills, they break down they produce methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

3. The constant production of new clothing has a number of environmental factors, including the use of fossil fuels, pollution and pesticides used in the growth of cotton.

Many fast fashion clothes are made of synthetic fibers produced by Petro material in process is particularly energy intensive. Pollution from the textiles industry may have adverse effects on the environment and harmful to human health in the vicinity. Carbon dioxide is also produced energy is used to produce clothing; This is also a green house gas.

So what is the answer?

Consumers will keep up with the latest fashions in the market where development is driven by marketing and fashion business. But perhaps it is the consumers who can change the fashion industry for the better by walking the walk when it comes to eco fashion. There has been a lot of consumer interest in eco fashion, recycling and sustainable style. The issues need to introduce more and entrepreneurial style promoted to the same extent as fast fashion has been. There are some basic ways consumers can help move away from fast fashion and towards sustainable style.

Look for quality, well-made clothes that will last

Where you can buy clothes made from natural organic fiber

buy clothes in a classic style that will not go out of fashion quickly

developed a unique style that is not subject to keep up with the latest trends

Look after and make clothes to extend their life

Recycling unwanted clothes by replacing them, sell them or give them to charity

Consider buying second hand, vintage and recycled clothes


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